Language function

Asking for Preference

Stating Preference

Stating Lack of Preference


- What would you prefer, to ... or to ... ?
-   Would you like to ... ?
- Which do you prefer/ like,...?

-I prefer...

- I'd prefer...

-I tend to prefer/to be rather more interested in..

-I haven't (got) any
particular preference. -I can't say I prefer ...
- Well, I'm not at all that keen, actually ...
- I must say both sound equally good to me.


-   Would you like .. ?
-   Which do you like better...

-I prefer/I'd prefer ... -I like ... best/better.
-   No, thank you. I'd rather not.
-   My favourite ...
-   It depends.

-I like them both/all.
-   Oh, I don't mind.
-   It's all the same to me. -1 leave it to you to
- I'll go along with what you decide/suggest.


-   Do you feel like ..?
-   D'you fancy ... ?

-   I like ... better.
-   I'd rather/sooner ...
-   Yes, sure. It's better.

-It's up to you (to decide).
- Oh, I'm easy. I'll do whatever you decide/ suggest.


Accepting an apology


-   I'm very/terribly/so sorry about/for...
-   I must apologize to you for ...
-   Please, accept my apologies.
-   Excuse/forgive me for...
-   Give my excuses to ...
-1 do feel sorry /bad about... -1 had no intention of hurting your feelings.
-   I'm sorry that was entirely my fault.
-   I beg your pardon.

-  That's/It's quite all right.
-  No trouble at all/whatsoever.
-  It really doesn't matter at all.
-  Don't mention it.
-  It's inexcusable/unforgivable. -1 quite understand.
-  Please, don't feel bad about it.
-  Please, don't worry.
-  These things happen: it can't be helped.
-  I beg yours. No pardon needed.


Expressing pleasure / joy

Expressing displeasure

-   What a wonderful / nice / lovely / beautiful ..!
-   How exciting / thrilling / interesting, etc.! -(That's) marvellous / terrific / fantastic /
good / great, etc.
-   I'm over the moon!

-  Oh, no! (Oh) really!
-  Mmm. Oh, dear. / Oh, Heavens.
-  What a bore. / That's a bore.
-  That's the limit / last straw.
-  How (very) annoying.
-  Mind what you are doing!
-  Mind your own business! -Hell!/Blast!/Damn!


Expressing excitement

Expressing disappointment

-   I'm very excited.
-   I'm very excited (fascinated) by ...
-   I'm really enthusiastic about it.
-   What a great idea!
-   How wonderful! -Great!
-   Fantastic!
-   Super!
-   Terrific!
-   Hooray!

-  Oh, I'm disappointed (about) ...
-  That's very disappointing, I must say.
-  It comes as a great disappointment.
-  They weren't as good as I'd expected.
-  I must say I had hoped for ...
-  I'm sorry to hear about...
-  What a disappointment!
-  You disappointed me.
-  That's a real shame. What a pity / shame.
-  That's too bad.


Saying you are worried

Reassuring / Encourancing someone

-   I'm worried (sick) about (by) ...
-   I feel nervous / depressed / miserable about.
-   I'm frightened / terrified of...
-   I'm extremely nervous of ...
-   I'm very anxious about...
-   I'm uneasy about ...
-   I'm desperate / at my wits' end.
-   I've got a lot of worries / problems.
-  I'm scared ... -1 fear...

-   There's no reason to get upset about...
-   Don't get upset! Don't let it worry you.
-   Let's hope for the best. *
-   I'm sure things will turn out all right.
-   Please, don't worry. It's O.K.!
-   You needn't worry about...   r
-   Try to look on the bright side.
-   Why worry about that. It may never happen.
-   Relax! Cheer up! It's all right! Take it easy!
-   It's not as bad as all that.

Showing irritation and anger

Showing sympathy

-   It is extremely irritating / annoying.
-   I'm very displeased / annoyed.
-1 can't say I'm all pleased / about...
-   It really drives me mad.
-   Why on earth didn't he ...?
-1 find it extremely offensive ... -1 must say I object to ... -1 will not put up with ...

-  That's a pity / shame.
-  I'm sorry to hear that.
- Oh,    that's awful / dreadful. ■ - Hard / bad luck.
-1 do sympathize, I assure you.
-  You have my deepest sympathy.
-   What a terrible situation for you! -1 know how it feels.


Saying you are bored

Expressing surprise

-   I'm sorry, but it rather bores me.
-   I'm sorry, but I'm really not interested in...
-1 don't find it very interesting, actually. -1 don't think it is very exciting.
-   It is (deadly) boring.
-   How boring! It looks rather boring.
-   I'm fed up with ...

-   That is a surprise! What a surprise!
-   Extraordinary!
-   My goodness! Good heavens!
-   No, I don't believe it!
-   Oh, no! Never!
-   You must be joking.
-   You are kidding!
-   Are you serious?
-   Who'd have thought it?
-   Really?


Showing optimism

Showing pessimism

-1 feel quite sure ( about) ...
-   I'm very optimistic about...
-   I have every confidence ...
-   I'm confident...
-   I feel quite sure about ...
-   You wait and see. It's all going to be O.K.
-   Everything will be fine (great).
-   It can't go wrong.

-  I'm not sure (about) ... -1 rather doubt.
-I don't think ...
-   I'm rather doubtful about...
-   I don't really believe ...
-   I'm rather sceptical about ...
-1 don't want to sound too pessimistic, but I'm afraid ...